Posts Tagged ‘October 2021 Newsletter’
Book Character Pumpkin Patch

Children are encouraged to help fill the library’s pumpkin patch with their book character pumpkin. How do you add a pumpkin to the patch?
- Visit the library and pick up a pumpkin template picture.
- Design your pumpkin to look like a favorite book character by coloring or painting the picture.
- Return the pumpkin picture to the library, and we will add it to our pumpkin patch.
Storytime @ the Park
The Chickasha Public Library is offering a free Storytime session at Centennial Park every Tuesday Morning at 9:30 am. Storytime last about 30 minutes and is held under the large pavilion at the park. There is no registration for this program.
Storytime at the Park is geared towards children five and younger and their caregivers. We will sing, listen to stories, play, and learn early literacy skills.
For additional information, call 405-222-6075, or visit us at 527 W Iowa Ave.
Have you heard about the 1000 Books Before Kindergarten program?
You can sign your little one up for the Chickasha Public Library’s Raise Readers 1000 Books Before Kindergarten Challenge today, using Beanstack, or by visiting the library at 527 W Iowa Ave.
Friends of the Library Used Book Sale
The Friends of the Chickasha Public Library will be hosting a 2-week fall ‘Used Book Sale’. The sale begins Tues., Oct. 19, 2021 and extends through Sat., Oct. 30, 2021. There will be no sales on Sundays.
The hours for the ‘Used Book Sale’ will coincide with the ‘open hours’ of the Library: Mon.-Thurs. 9:30am – 7:00pm; Fri. 9:30am – 6:00pm; Sat., 10:00am-2:00pm.
The event will be held in the Library’s community meeting room, located at 527 Iowa Avenue, Chickasha, OK.
Visitors will enjoy browsing through the selections of Children, Teen, and Adult fiction books, Reference Materials, Non-fiction books, DVDs, and Books on CD.
For this sale, those purchasing materials will be asked to make a financial donation rather than having individual prices on all the items. The suggested donation is $1/book except for children’s books.
Proceeds from the ‘Used Book Sale’ will be used to purchase new books and materials for the Library.
Also … Friends of the Chickasha Public Library memberships and financial donations may be made at any time at the Library or mailed to Friends of the Library, P.O. Box 265, Chickasha, OK 73023.
Include your name, mailing address, phone number and email address, if available.
For more information about the ‘Used Book Sale’ and any Library event, please call the Library at 222-6075.