Genealogy Workshop at the Chickasha Public Library – Wednesday, May 1
Did you know that the Chickasha Public Library provides free access to online genealogy databases? If you are interested in learning how to search for family history information using Ancestry Library Edition and Heritage Quest, there will be a free genealogy workshop on Wednesday, May 1 at 2 p.m. that will go over how to navigate these databases.
During this hour-long program, you will learn how to navigate each of the steps in the searching process. All you need is the name of a person, approximate date of birth, and a place they might have lived, and you can easily find copies of census records, land records, photographs, and other information about their life. If you have already done some initial searching, there are also ways to look for specific records and to fill in informational gaps.
This program will include time for asking individual questions and receiving help with finding a name on specific records, such as the US census for a particular year.
“If you have ever wondered about how to get started doing online genealogy research, or how to use different search strategies to find records, this program will help you take advantage of free online resources to find new information about your family history,” says Michelle Skinner, Reference Librarian.
Registration is not required, and people are welcome to bring their laptops. For more information, call the Library at 405-222-6075, or email