13th Annual Chocolate Celebration is Thurs., Feb. 13

By the Friends of the Chickasha Public Library

The 13th annual ‘Chocolate Celebration’ fundraiser, sponsored by the Friends of the Chickasha Public Library, is Thurs., Feb. 13, 2025 from 5:00-7:00 pm in the Epworth Church Life Center, 4th and Iowa in Chickasha. 

Tickets are available NOW and are $6 for a gift box of six individual servings selected by YOU! 

Individuals who purchase tickets in advance of the event will be admitted before those who wait to purchase a ticket at the door.

Tickets may be purchased at the Chickasha Public Library, from the table sponsors, as well as, from the Friends’ Board of Directors.  

The Chocolate Celebration is open to the community.  Park in the north parking lot and enter through the double doors on the north side of Epworth Church.

To date, 17 individuals, groups, and businesses have volunteered to be table sponsors with each providing at least 200 individual servings of chocolate treats at their tables.

If you would like to be a table sponsor, contact Angie at 405-779-6969 ASAP and let her know so a space can be reserved for you to be a part of this special event.

THANK YOU to the 2025 Table Sponsors:  Altrusa Club of Chickasha, American Association of University Women, Bank of Commerce, Ben and Jay’s Pizzeria, Chickasha Area Arts Council, Chickasha Community Theater, Chickasha Kiwanis Club, Chickasha Public Library Board, Epic Charter School, Epworth United Methodist Church, Grady County 4-H, Lucile/Blue Bonnet OHCE, Onin Staffing, PEO Chapter FV, R & B Mowing, Red Rock BHS, and Storytime Moms.

If you would like to help with this annual fundraiser, the Friends welcome donations of items for the Bake Sale.  These items do not have to be ‘chocolate’.  They will be priced and sold individually as whole cakes, plates of cupcakes, cookies, brownies, candy, etc. 

THANK YOU to the 2025 Corporate Sponsors:  Platinum – Kiwanis Club of Chickasha; Gold – Arvest Bank; Bob Lowe, Inc.; Century 21/Mosley Insurance Agency; Chickasha Rotary Club; First National Bank & Trust Co.; LaForge Properties LLC; P.E.O. Chapter FV; Standley Systems; Silver – American Association of University Women; Angel, Johnston & Blasingame; Chickasha Optimist Club; Churndashers Quilt Guild; DeHart Air Conditioning; Grand Avenue Dental; Liberty National Bank; Onin Staffing; P.E.O. Chapter CR; P.E.O. Chapter DV; Richard’s Printing; and Rick Johnston State Farm Insurance Agency, Inc.

Questions – contact Angie at 405-779-6969.

Proceeds from the 13th annual Chocolate Celebration 2025 will be used to purchase new interior signage for the Chickasha Public Library. 

Literary Conversations book discussion group held at the Library from January through May

The Chickasha Public Library is hosting Literary Conversations, a monthly book discussion program that will be held on the first Thursday evening of each month from January through May.

This program is perfect for fans of Let’s Talk About It, as well as anyone who enjoys deeper conversations about books and literature. Participants at January’s program enjoyed an engaging, in-depth discussion centered on Angie Lewis’ review of The Latecomer by Jean Hanff Korelitz. Future programs in this series will feature different people reviewing and discussing books from a variety of literary genres, as well as a creative writing workshop in May that will be conducted by Dr. Ken Hada. Literary Conversations is a great opportunity to discuss books on a deeper level, learn about the writing process, and learn from others’ ideas and experiences.

No registration is required to attend any of these programs. For more information, call the Library at 405-222-6075.

Food for Fines Month at the Chickasha Public Library

Are you looking to clear some Library fines while also helping the local community? You can do both at the Chickasha Public Library in December. Simply donate any amount of canned or shelf-stable non-perishable food items to the Library, located at 527 Iowa in Chickasha, during the month of December, and you can erase your overdue Library fines. Please bring your food donations directly to staff at the front desk in order for your account to be cleared.

Food for Fines donations do not cover lost or damaged book fees, but they will cover any amount of overdue fines on your account, and any overdue books that are returned will also have their fines waived. In addition, any accounts that are currently unable to check out due to having more than $6.00 in overdue fines can be unblocked with a food donation. 

No minimum donation is required to clear fines. Everyone is welcome to donate, even those without Library fines. The Library is a convenient place for anyone to drop off food donations in December, and there will be a donation box in the meeting room as well as on the Food for Fines display. 

All donated food items will be sent to the Chickasha Emergency Food Pantry, located at the First Presbyterian Church. All of the food goes to help the local community. Some of the most-needed items include peanut butter, cereal, oatmeal, soup, pasta, and beans. Pop-top canned food is encouraged, and snack items are especially appreciated by many people. 

For more information, call the Chickasha Public Library at 405-222-6075.

Free Computer Classes at Chickasha Public Library October 28 – November 6

The Chickasha Public Library is offering a series of FREE computer classes for digital training skills from The Chickasha Public Library is offering a series of FREE computer classes for digital training skills from October 28 through November 5. These classes will cover the following topics each day:

  • Computer Basics – Oct. 28, 10-11 a.m.
  • Internet Basics – Oct. 29, 10-11 a.m.
  • Open Lab (individual questions and answers) – Oct. 30, 2-4 p.m.
  • Email Basics – Oct. 31, 10-11 a.m.
  • Internet Safety – Nov. 1, 2-3 p.m.
  • Mobile Device (Phone) Basics – Nov. 4, 10-11 a.m.
  • Video Conferencing – Nov. 5, 10-11 a.m.
  • Open Lab (individual questions and answers) – Nov. 6, 2-4 p.m.

Participants can bring their own laptops or devices and the Library also has several laptops available for use during the classes. All Library programs are free to attend. For more information, call the Chickasha Public Library at 405-222-6075.

Friends of the Library Host Local Authors Festival at Chickasha Public Library October 26

The Friends of the Chickasha Public Library will host a Local Authors Festival on Saturday, October 26 from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. at the Chickasha Public Library. The community is invited to meet local authors and purchase copies of their books.

Authors who are participating include Winona Cross Bennett, Kendall Brashears, M.E. Craig, Maxine Douglas, Debbie Fogle, Tamrie Foxtail, Terry Godfrey, June Gray, Kenny Harmon, Pete Hammert, Eileen Hobbs, Linda Fellers Hundley, Anna Kittrell, Brian McNatt, Kathy Shaull, Michelle Skinner, Cheryl L-G Trent, and Liz Tyner.

All of the authors will be set up at tables in the meeting room with copies of their books, which are written in a variety of genres. There will be memoirs, young adult books, historical and contemporary romance, fantasy, suspense, local history, horror, and mysteries. This is a chance for everyone to visit with local authors, ask them about their books, and also purchase some new books to read.

All Library programs are free to attend. For more information, call the Chickasha Public Library at 405-222-6075.

Friends of the Library to host Fall Used Book Sale from Oct 7-19, 2024

by the Friends of the Library

Fall is arriving and it is almost time for the annual ‘Used Book Sale’ hosted by the Friends of the Library (Friends).  Mark your calendars and join the Friends on Mon. through Sat., Oct. 7-19, 2024 to browse and shop for books in the Library’s Community Meeting Room, 527 Iowa Ave., in Chickasha, OK.

The Book Sale is held during the open hours of the Library, Mon. – Thurs. 9:30am–7pm; Fri. 9:30am–6pm; and Sat., 10am-2pm.  The Library is closed on Sunday.

Shoppers will find a nice selection of Children, Teen, and Adult Fiction Books, Non-Fiction Books, Reference Materials, Book CDs and DVDs at the sale.

The Friends encourage those purchasing books to make a financial donation rather than paying pre-set individual prices for their selections.  A suggested donation is $1 per book, except for children’s books.

Proceeds from the ‘Fall Used Book Sale’ will be used to purchase new books and materials for the Library.

The Friends of the Library is a non-profit 501(C)3 organization and supports the Chickasha Public Library with its needs and programs.  

Memberships for the Friends of the Library and financial donations may be made any time at the Library welcome desk or mailed to the Friends of the Library, 527 Iowa Ave., Chickasha, OK  73018.  

Annual memberships run from July 1 through June 30 and are now being received for the Friends’ 2024-2025 membership drive.  With each membership, please include your name, mailing address, phone number and email address, if available. 

For more information about the ‘Fall Used Book Sale’ and any Library event, please call the Library at 405-222-6075.  

Library Offers August Programs for Adults

The Chickasha Public Library has several programs coming during the month of August specifically for adults about a variety of topics, including book clubs, legal information, survival, and workshops to help with computer skills.

August 1st was the first session of Let’s Talk About It, a five-part discussion series that focuses on the theme of Myth and Literature. Dr. Harbour Winn presented The Power of Myth by Joseph Campbell. Several copies of the book are available to check out from the Library for those who wish to read. All of the Let’s Talk About It programs will be held on the first Thursday of each month at 6:30 p.m. from August through December in the Library’s meeting room.

Legal Aid Services of Oklahoma will give a presentation on Thursday, August 8 from 2-3 p.m. about how to expunge your criminal record. This program will help participants gain legal information from experts to navigate the process effectively, discover how expungement can create new opportunities for your future, and financial assistance available for those who are low-income.

Prepping for Survival will be Saturday, August 17, at 11 a.m. This is a program for adults who want to learn information about how to handle emergency situations, and will be taught by Stephen Wilson of Modern Survivability. This program will cover how to use items in your emergency kit, which will be provided.

Finally, a series of digital skills workshops will be held Thursday, August 22 and Friday, August 23. The classes are intended for learners who are new to using a computer and want to build confidence while staying safe online. Topics include using web browsers, creating passwords that are hard to guess, using search engines, navigating a mobile device and so much more. Workshops will be taught by digital literacy experts with the national nonprofit Connected Nation. 

Thursday’s digital skills schedule includes Computer Basics at 10:00 a.m., Internet Basics at 11:00 a.m., Open Lab Workshops from 12:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m., Email Basics at 2:00 p.m., and  Internet Safety at 3:00 p.m. Friday’s schedule includes Mobile Device Basics at 10:00 a.m., Video Conferencing at 11:00 a.m., and Open Lab Workshops from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Register for any or all of these classes at https://surveys.connectednation.org/s3/ChickashaPL.

Chickasha Public Library Hosts Let’s Talk About It Book Discussion Series

The Chickasha Public Library will host the Let’s Talk About It program this fall with a series of book discussions on the theme of Myth and Literature. Let’s Talk About It is a book club designed for adults 18 and older who enjoy reading and discussing books with others. Discussion programs will be held at 6:30 p.m. on the first Thursday of each month from August through December in the Library’s meeting room. Each program will begin with a scholar discussing the month’s book, including the background and literary themes, and will also include time for small group discussions.

The first program will be on Thursday, August 1. Harbour Winn will discuss The Power of Myth by Joseph Campbell. The second program will be Thursday, September 5, and Richard Rouillard will present Black Elk Speaks by John G. Neihardt. The third program will be Thursday, October 3, and Laura Endicott will present A Passage to India by E. M. Forster. The fourth program will be Thursday, November 7, and Judy Neale will present The Summer Before the Dark by Doris Lessing. The final program will be Thursday, December 6. Caroline Larsen will present The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald.

Multiple copies of all of these books are available to check out from the Chickasha Public Library. According to Oklahoma Humanities, this series of books “shows how authors use existing mythologies and create new ones to explain our world.” Participants will have a chance to share their experience and learn from others, and reading each month’s book beforehand is not required to attend the programs. Refreshments will be provided by the Friends of the Library.

Books, services, and other materials for this series are provided by Let’s Talk About It, a project of Oklahoma Humanities. Generous funding and support for this series was provided by Kirkpatrick Family Fund, McCasland Foundation, Oklahoma City Community Foundation, and Oklahoma City University. Any views, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in these programs do not necessarily represent those of Oklahoma Humanities.

Library closed for Juneteenth

The Chickasha Public Library will be closed Wednesday, June 19, in honor of Juneteenth. We will reopen at 9:30 a.m. on Friday, June 20.

Summer Programs for Adults

The Chickasha Public Library will have several adult programs during June, July, and August. The first is Sunflower Painting on Saturday, June 8, at 11:00 a.m. Youth Services Librarian Drew Cooper will teach you have to create your own sunflower painting. All supplies are provided.

There is a book flowers crafting program Saturday, July 20, at 11 a.m., also taught by Youth Services Librarian Drew Cooper. You will create a beautiful flower display with a book, and all supplies are provided.

There are also two programs about survival skills in June and July. Prepping for Survival will be Saturday, June 29, at 11 a.m. This is a program for adults who want to learn information about how to handle emergency situations.

This program is taught by Stephen Wilson, who has 22 years of experience as a military combat instructor, 24 years of rock climbing, backpacking, camping, hiking, and kayaking all over the world, hosts the Modern Survivability podcast, and is a 12-year member of Homesteaders of America.

Part 1 of this program will cover how to create an emergency kit. Part 2, which is Part 2 of this program is Saturday, August 17, at 11 a.m., and will cover how to use the items in your emergency kit.

All of these programs are free to attend, and no registration is required. For more information about there or any other programs, call the Library at 405-222-6075.