Friends Of the Chickasha Public Library
13th Annual Chocolate Celebration is Thurs., Feb. 13
By the Friends of the Chickasha Public Library
The 13th annual ‘Chocolate Celebration’ fundraiser, sponsored by the Friends of the Chickasha Public Library, is Thurs., Feb. 13, 2025 from 5:00-7:00 pm in the Epworth Church Life Center, 4th and Iowa in Chickasha.
Tickets are available NOW and are $6 for a gift box of six individual servings selected by YOU!
Individuals who purchase tickets in advance of the event will be admitted before those who wait to purchase a ticket at the door.
Tickets may be purchased at the Chickasha Public Library, from the table sponsors, as well as, from the Friends’ Board of Directors.
The Chocolate Celebration is open to the community. Park in the north parking lot and enter through the double doors on the north side of Epworth Church.
To date, 17 individuals, groups, and businesses have volunteered to be table sponsors with each providing at least 200 individual servings of chocolate treats at their tables.
If you would like to be a table sponsor, contact Angie at 405-779-6969 ASAP and let her know so a space can be reserved for you to be a part of this special event.
THANK YOU to the 2025 Table Sponsors: Altrusa Club of Chickasha, American Association of University Women, Bank of Commerce, Ben and Jay’s Pizzeria, Chickasha Area Arts Council, Chickasha Community Theater, Chickasha Kiwanis Club, Chickasha Public Library Board, Epic Charter School, Epworth United Methodist Church, Grady County 4-H, Lucile/Blue Bonnet OHCE, Onin Staffing, PEO Chapter FV, R & B Mowing, Red Rock BHS, and Storytime Moms.
If you would like to help with this annual fundraiser, the Friends welcome donations of items for the Bake Sale. These items do not have to be ‘chocolate’. They will be priced and sold individually as whole cakes, plates of cupcakes, cookies, brownies, candy, etc.
THANK YOU to the 2025 Corporate Sponsors: Platinum – Kiwanis Club of Chickasha; Gold – Arvest Bank; Bob Lowe, Inc.; Century 21/Mosley Insurance Agency; Chickasha Rotary Club; First National Bank & Trust Co.; LaForge Properties LLC; P.E.O. Chapter FV; Standley Systems; Silver – American Association of University Women; Angel, Johnston & Blasingame; Chickasha Optimist Club; Churndashers Quilt Guild; DeHart Air Conditioning; Grand Avenue Dental; Liberty National Bank; Onin Staffing; P.E.O. Chapter CR; P.E.O. Chapter DV; Richard’s Printing; and Rick Johnston State Farm Insurance Agency, Inc.
Questions – contact Angie at 405-779-6969.
Proceeds from the 13th annual Chocolate Celebration 2025 will be used to purchase new interior signage for the Chickasha Public Library.
Friends of the Library Host Local Authors Festival at Chickasha Public Library October 26
The Friends of the Chickasha Public Library will host a Local Authors Festival on Saturday, October 26 from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. at the Chickasha Public Library. The community is invited to meet local authors and purchase copies of their books.
Authors who are participating include Winona Cross Bennett, Kendall Brashears, M.E. Craig, Maxine Douglas, Debbie Fogle, Tamrie Foxtail, Terry Godfrey, June Gray, Kenny Harmon, Pete Hammert, Eileen Hobbs, Linda Fellers Hundley, Anna Kittrell, Brian McNatt, Kathy Shaull, Michelle Skinner, Cheryl L-G Trent, and Liz Tyner.
All of the authors will be set up at tables in the meeting room with copies of their books, which are written in a variety of genres. There will be memoirs, young adult books, historical and contemporary romance, fantasy, suspense, local history, horror, and mysteries. This is a chance for everyone to visit with local authors, ask them about their books, and also purchase some new books to read.
All Library programs are free to attend. For more information, call the Chickasha Public Library at 405-222-6075.
Friends of the Library accepting donations for spring Book Sale
by the Friends of the Chickasha Public Library
If spring house cleaning is under way and you have well-used and/or unwanted books, please consider donating them to the Friends of the Library for its spring used Book Sale, scheduled Mon.-Sat., April 15-20.
Donations of books for Children, Teens, and Adult Fiction, Reference Materials, and Non-Fiction Books, DVDs and Book CDs are greatly appreciated.
NOTE: Video and cassette tapes are not being accepted for this sale.
If you are donating several sacks or boxes of books, please call the Library at 405.222.6075 before you arrive so the staff can be prepared to meet you at 527 Iowa Avenue, Chickasha.
Donations of books and other items mentioned previously are accepted throughout the year at the Library.
Proceeds from Book Sales will be to purchase new books and materials for the Library.
For more information about the used Book Sale and any Library event, please contact the Library at 405.222.6075.

Books Come Alive and Local Author Festival will be held Saturday, March 25!
Submitted by the Friends of the Chickasha Public Library
The Friends of the Library and Chickasha Public Library invite the community to stop by the Library on Sat., March 25, 2023 between 2pm and 4pm for two very special attractions! The Library is located at 527 Iowa Ave., Chickasha, OK.
Visitors will enjoy being entertained by Books Come Alive presenters as they each create their own setting, costume as a character, and present a 3-5 minute scene from a book they have selected to share. Participating as presenters are Mischelle Blunt who has chosen “The Help” by Kathryn Stockett; Dr. Christy Clift will portray a scene from “Harry Potter” by JK Rowling; and the Library’s children’s director Drew Cooper has selected “Beauty and the Beast” as her book. Also presenting are Rebecca Cravens portraying a scene from “Jane Austen”; Sydny Dockery has chosen the book “Percy Jackson” by Rick Riordan; Dr. Jeanne Mather selected Mike Artell’s “Petite Rouge”; and Rick Phillips will be having fun with “Star Wars”. Well-known radio host George Plummer will be presenting a special book, as well!

While at the Library, stop by the meeting room and visit with the authors who are participating in the “Local Author Festival”. All the authors will set up at tables and have books for sale. This year the authors include Karen Knauss Bailey Alicia Dean, Tamrie Foxtail, Dr. Todd Fuller, Kenny “Sad Pawpaw” Harmon (NOTE: enter a drawing at his table to win a copy of his book!), Dr. Crag Hill, Callie Hutton, Anna Kittrell, Brian McNatt, Gloria Koehn Morse, Kathy Shaull and Liz Tyner.

NOTE: The Library will close at noon on Sat., March 25, to set up for these two exciting events! For additional information about these activities and others at the Library, call 405.222.6075.
Friends of the Library to host spring $1 Used Book Sale
The Friends of the Chickasha Public Library will be hosting its spring ‘$1 Used Book Sale’ fundraiser from Thurs. through Sun., April 11-14, 2019. The Sale will be held in the community meeting room at the Library, located at 527 Iowa Avenue, Chickasha, OK. The ‘$1 Used Book Sale’ will be open to the community on Fri., April 12, from 10am-6pm; Sat., April 13, from 10am-2pm; and Sun., April 14, from 1pm-4pm.
REMINDER to all current members of the Friends of the Library … as a bonus for being a member, YOU may browse and purchase EARLY at the Preview Book Sale on Thurs., April 11, from 5pm-8pm.
Annual membership fees are $5 for Students and College, $5 for Seniors (ages 62+), $10 Individual, $25 Family and for $50 or more you can become a Patron! Thank you, in advance, for your membership and support of the Friends of the Library! When you purchase a Friends’ 2019-2020 membership at the door on Thurs. evening, April 11, you will be able to shop at the Preview Sale that evening, as well as at other Book Sales in the 2019-2020 year.
‘Bargain Day’
is Sat., April 13, with books on sale at half-price or $3 a bag and the Friends provide the bags. The books on Sun., April 14, are an even bigger ‘Bargain’ … they are ‘FREE’.
Among the items for sale are Children, Teen, and Adult Fiction, Reference Materials, Non-Fiction Books as well as some DVDs, Book CDs and Magazines.
Donations of books and other items for the ‘$1 Used Book Sale’ are accepted throughout the year and may be brought to the main desk at the Chickasha Public Library. Please contact the Library at 222-6075 if you can help set-up and/or work the ‘$1 Used Book Sale’. Proceeds from the sale will be used to purchase new books and materials for the Library.
Membership fees and financial donations may be brought to the Library or mailed to Friends of the Library, P.O. Box 265, Chickasha, OK 73023. Include your name, mailing address, phone number and email address, if available.
7th Annual Chocolate Celebration is Tues., Feb. 12
7th Annual Chocolate Celebration is Tues., Feb. 12
It’s almost ‘Chocolate Celebration’ time … so plan now to buy your ticket and join in the FUN!
The 7th annual ‘Chocolate Celebration’ fundraiser, sponsored by the Friends of the Chickasha Public Library, is Tues., Feb. 12, 2019 from 5:00-7:00 pm in the Epworth Church Life Center, 4th and Iowa in Chickasha. This event is open to the community. Enter through the double doors by the north parking lot.
At least 18 tables of tasty chocolate treats will be ready and waiting for those looking forward to taking home a special gift box (or two or three or more!) of delicious and beautiful chocolate desserts.
Each of the table sponsors will provide approximately 200 individual servings of a variety of chocolate treats.
Tickets are on sale now! Don’t miss out on your gift box of six individual chocolate dessert items selected personally by YOU!
Tickets are $6 and are available from the Friends of the Chickasha Public Library Board Members, the Table Sponsors and at the Chickasha Public Library. Depending on advance sales, a few tickets may be available at the door.
Also, those attending will find tables filled with delicious ‘bake sale’ items, featuring whole cakes, pies, cupcakes, candy, and plates of cookies, brownies, and bars. These food items will be individually priced.
Remember to stop by the Library on Sat., Feb. 2, from 10am-1pm to purchase your ticket and visit the bake sale – this will get you ‘ready’ for the BIG EVENT.
Table sponsors providing desserts for the ‘Chocolate Celebration’ include the AAUW, Altrusa Club of Chickasha, Bank of Commerce, CAS/CART (Chickasha Animal Rescue Transport), Chickasha Area Arts Council (CAAC), EPIC Charter Schools, First National Bank & Trust Company, Girl Scout Troup 3404,, Johnson’s Wreckers & Salvage, Library Tai Chi/Storytime, Lucile/Blue Bonnet OHCE, Pam Ratliff & Friends, P.E.O. Chapter FV, Shollie’s Sweets, Standley’s Systems, State Representative David Perryman, Sweet Creations and The Salvation Army.
The Friends of the Library are sincerely grateful for this year’s 34 Corporate Sponsors for their faithful and generous support of the Chocolate Celebration with financial gifts. Gold Level Sponsors are Arvest Bank, Ben Milam Heat & Air, Bob Lowe, Inc., Century 21/Mosley Agency, Chickasha Rotary Club, First National Bank & Trust, Kiwanis, LaForge Properties, Lifeline Home Health & Hospice, Rick Johnston – State Farm, Standley’s Systems, Steagall Oil, and The Herbal Choice.
Silver Level Sponsors include Angel, Johnston & Blasingame, Charles Allen Ford, Chickasha Optimists, DeHart Heat & Air, Gina & Tyler Lowe, Grand Avenue Dental Studio, Grisham Construction, HSI Sensing, Ivy, Ratliff & Chasteen, PC, Joe Bob Bail Bonds, Johnston & Associates, McCalla, Brown & Patel, Mark Mettry, DDS, Mike Day – State Farm, P.E.O. Chapter CR, P.E.O. Chapter DV, Pollution Control, Corp., Richard’s Printing, Ross Seed & Grain, Stephens Oil, and Teague Body Shop.
Proceeds from the 7th annual Chocolate Celebration 2019 will be used to help purchase electric doors for the main entrance of the Chickasha Public Library. These will provide much easier access for everyone visiting the Library.
Please contact the Library at 405-222-6075 for questions.
New Doors for the Library!
The Chickasha Public Library will be opening new doors soon! Thanks to the Friends of the Chickasha Public Library the Library will be getting new front exterior doors. The doors will be bi-part, automatic sliding doors from Dormakaba. The Friends of the Library will raise funds for the doors through multiple fundraisers. Beginning with the Friends of the Library Bake Sale on Saturday, February 2nd from 10:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M. which will be held in the Library Meeting Room located at 527 W Iowa Ave, Chickasha Ok, 73018. In addition to all of the delicious baked goods, the Friends will have tickets available for their annual Chocolate Celebration (which is coming soon on February 12th). Proceeds from the Chocolate Celebration will also go towards the new doors. The Friends of the Library are also currently accepting donations to help with the purchase of the new doors. For additional information, call the Library at 405-222-6075.
Library History Search
2020 will mark the 115th year of the Chickasha Public Library. A lot has happened in that time and we want to celebrate! We are preparing a written history of the Library complete with a scrapbook of photos and news articles. If you have any pictures or news articles about the Library that you would like to share, please bring them in and talk to Michelle or Lillie. Also, if you have a memory you would like to share about the Library write it down and get it to us or if you prefer, we’ll write it for you please make an appointment with Michelle or Lillie. If you were on the Library Board or were employed at the Library, please contact us by calling 405-222-6075. We would like to make sure that our information is correct, we would like to know names and dates and photos to go with them would be great! Let’s enjoy the process. For additional information, please call the Library at 405-222-6075.
2018 into 2019 Past and Future Youth Programs
There were many exciting programs at the Chickasha Public Library during 2018.

Stuart Meltzer, Library Board member, and retired USAO professor read to children during our Spring Reading Program and also during our summer Storytime with Grandpa program.

Chickasha Public Library has a special visitor every December Elf on the Shelf visits the Library to read.
There was a symphony of fun at the Library during Summer Reading 2018. If you missed all the fun this past summer, there is another chance this coming June and July! In 2018, youth from all over Grady County signed up for the Summer Reading program. Also, the YMCA brought children to participate in the program once a week. The 2018 Summer Reading program was fantastic During the program we read books that tied into our “Libraries Rock” theme and children were able to create instruments of their own. There is more to the Summer Reading program than an hour every week of fun and games; the participants also keep track of the minutes they spend reading at home. In 2018 the participants read over 104,266 minutes in June and July. Children who spend time reading over the summer have a better chance of retaining all the skills from the previous school year. Many people and organizations make the Summer Reading program possible. We would like to say thank you to the organizations that provide funding and incentives, the Institute of Museum and Library Services, the Oklahoma Department of Libraries, the Oklahoman Newspapers in Education, Sonic America’s Drive-In, Corp, Pizza Hut, Water-Zoo Indoor Waterpark in Clinton, OK., and the Friends of the Chickasha Public Library. The Library would also like to thank performers Jammin’ Randy and Magical Michael, all of our volunteers, and the participants for making this year’s Summer Reading program one of the best yet.
Mark your calendars because May 30th will be the Library’s all-day Summer Reading sign-up day. On June 6th, we will blast off to explore a “Universe of Stories” during the 2019 Summer Reading Program. More details to come as May gets closer.
Over eighty people attended our second annual Books Come Alive and Local Authors Festival event. Local volunteers chose some fantastic books, and some great characters wandered the stacks. Count Olaf attempted to keep his group of orphans in line, while Max and the Wild Things had roaring contests with all the kids, and a creepy woods took over the adult stacks, where participants witnessed a scene from the Watchers. Tune in next fall to see all the places we will go.
Some NEW Youth Programs for 2019 are:
Baby & You Storytime is every Thursday morning during the school year from 9:30 am – 10:30 am.
The program doesn’t begin until 9:45 and lasts 15 – 20 minutes, which leaves plenty of time for you to read, play with your baby, and talk with other parents.
This program is for babies ages 0-18 months and their caregivers.
For more information, email Courtney, Youth Services Librarian at, or contact us on Facebook.
Beyond the Shelf Youth Library Club is a weekly program on Wednesdays from 3:30 to 4:30 for youth ages 10 – 15.
The activities during this program will vary. Scifi-Monster Mania is the theme for February.
There will be a board game demo of King of Tokyo. Who will be the last monster standing? There will also be crafts and plenty of monster book discussions.
The last Wednesday of the month, we will show a film MST3K style.
For more information, email Courtney, Youth Services Librarian at or contact us on Facebook.
Food for Fines
Chickasha Public Library Fines Waived in December with a donation of food
Do you have fines on your Library account? Get them waived in December by bringing in a non-perishable food item to donate to the Food Pantry. “The end of the year is a great time to get accounts cleared for a fresh start for the new year. I want customers to be able to check out Library books. This is a great way for customers to get fines waived and help the local Food Pantry too.” The books must be turned in to the Library for the fines to be waived, perhaps you’ve already done that, or perhaps you can do that now, and bring in a non-perishable food item, quantity doesn’t matter. All food is donated to the local Food Pantry. This program covers only overdue fines not replacement fees for lost or damaged books. Donations for the Food Pantry are accepted and encouraged even if you don’t have fines. In addition to the much-needed food, many overdue books come home to the Library. Not having to repurchase popular titles means the Library can buy more new books. The program runs from December 1st – December 31st. If you have questions, call the Library at 222-6075.