Friends of the Library accepting donations for spring Book Sale
by the Friends of the Chickasha Public Library
If spring house cleaning is under way and you have well-used and/or unwanted books, please consider donating them to the Friends of the Library for its spring used Book Sale, scheduled Mon.-Sat., April 15-20.
Donations of books for Children, Teens, and Adult Fiction, Reference Materials, and Non-Fiction Books, DVDs and Book CDs are greatly appreciated.
NOTE: Video and cassette tapes are not being accepted for this sale.
If you are donating several sacks or boxes of books, please call the Library at 405.222.6075 before you arrive so the staff can be prepared to meet you at 527 Iowa Avenue, Chickasha.
Donations of books and other items mentioned previously are accepted throughout the year at the Library.
Proceeds from Book Sales will be to purchase new books and materials for the Library.
For more information about the used Book Sale and any Library event, please contact the Library at 405.222.6075.