Food for Fines Month at Chickasha Public Library

December is Food for Fines month at the Chickasha Public Library! A donation of non-perishable food items will clear any amount of overdue Library fines. No minimum donation is required.
Food for Fines donations do not cover lost or damaged book fees, however, any accounts that are currently unable to check out due to having more than $6.00 in fines can be cleared for future checkouts. Any overdue books that are returned will also have their fines waived.
“Food for Fines brings the community together in several ways: foremost by providing food, but also by allowing Library users to clear fines and check out items, and by returning overdue books to the Library so that others can read them,” said Library Director Lillie Huckaby.
All of the donated food items will benefit the Chickasha Emergency Food Pantry. Most needed food items include peanut butter, canned tuna and chicken, canned fruits and vegetables, cereal and oatmeal, soup and stew, pasta and canned sauce, and canned or dry beans. Pop-top canned food is encouraged. A food pantry volunteer recently shared that juice bottles, cake mix, Little Smokies, and other snack items are especially appreciated by many people.
Even if you do not have fines, you are still welcome to donate food to the Food for Fines food drive by bringing it to the Library during the month of December.
This is the twenty-second year for the Library to host Food for Fines, and it is a great way to help the community. Last December, more than $1,600 in fines were cleared.
For more information, call the Chickasha Public Library at 405-222-6075.