Preschool Storytime Schedule

The Chickasha Public Library is currently offering virtual Storytime in-person Storytime sessions at the library and Storytime at the park! These programs are geared towards caregivers and the children 5 and younger. The calendar below has details on each Storytime session you can register by clicking the link in the calendar’s event description, or by calling 405-222-6075.

January 2025

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
  • Drew
  • Literary Conversations 6:30 P.M.-7:30 P.M.
  • Lillie (check room 5:30)
  • Carpet cleaning
  • Tai Chi: Moving for Better Balance 2:00 P.M.-3:00 P.M.
  • Storytime 10:00 A.M.-11:00 A.M.
  • Tai Chi: Moving for Better Balance 2:00 P.M.-3:00 P.M.
  • Tai Chi: Moving for Better Balance 2:00 P.M.-3:00 P.M.
  • Teen Time Book Busters Book Club "Pizza Face" 4:30 P.M.-5:30 P.M.
  • Friends of the Chickasha Library Board Meeting 5:00 P.M.-6:30 P.M.
  • Tai Chi: Moving for Better Balance 2:00 P.M.-3:00 P.M.
  • Kiddos' Korner Baking 101: National Pizza Week : How to make pizza 4:30 P.M.-5:30 P.M.
  • Tai Chi: Moving for Better Balance 2:00 P.M.-3:00 P.M.
  • Storytime 10:00 A.M.-11:00 A.M.
  • Tai Chi: Moving for Better Balance 2:00 P.M.-3:00 P.M.
  • Senior Resource Fair 11:00 A.M.-1:00 P.M.
  • Tai Chi: Moving for Better Balance 2:00 P.M.-3:00 P.M.
  • Chapter Chat 6:30 P.M.-7:30 P.M.
  • Storytime 10:00 A.M.-11:00 A.M.
  • Tai Chi: Moving for Better Balance 2:00 P.M.-3:00 P.M.
  • Kiddos' Korner I Survived Book Club 4:30 P.M.-5:30 P.M.
  • SPECIAL Teen Time Anime/Manga Club Library Lock-In 5:00 P.M.-7:00 P.M.

Have you signed your little one up for the Chickasha Public Library’s Raise Readers 1000 Books Before Kindergarten Challenge? You can sign up today using Beanstack, or by visiting the library at 527 W Iowa Ave. For additional information please call 405-222-6075.

Chickasha Public Library’s National Library Week Report

In April we celebrated National Library Week. On April 5th Mayor Mosley signed a proclamation declaring April 4th – 10th, 2021 National Library Week in Chickasha Oklahoma. The proclamation reminds us of the many services libraries across the nation provide including here in Chickasha. Here is a link to it. On April 6th you said thank you to our library workers. Some people brought flowers, some brought fruit, some brought chocolate. The Friends of the Library and the Library Board came and showed their appreciation for our library workers. The staff says a great big thank you. On April 7th it was outreach day. Our maiden voyage in our ‘bookmobile’ occurred (Lillie’s van). It visited Shannon Springs park and Washita Valley park.  It was extremely windy that day. We wanted to demonstrate that the library is not just within these four walls. We want to get and about to serve our customers. We hope to be able to voyage again to other places, maybe even other towns. On April 8th we encouraged people to investigate our virtual services; website, Facebook, Instagram, and Beanstack. On April 9th the library staff showed their appreciation to our support groups – the Friends of the Library and the Library Board, and to our volunteers. The most fun of all for us was April 10th customer appreciation day. We had several outdoor activities culminating in a drawing for several baskets and the opportunity to select titles to be painted on a panel on the exterior of the library. Thank you for being patrons, customers, and friends to the Chickasha Public Library. 

Chickasha Public Library Summer Reading 2021

The Chickasha Public Library is offering programs for all ages throughout the summer. Mark your calendars preregistration begins May 10th, with programs kicking off in June. You can register for the Summer Reading program using Beanstack or in-person at the Chickasha Public Library located at 527 W Iowa Ave. All programs are free, and there will be a variety of program types for all ages. Participants will set a reading goal, track their minutes spent reading, and earn incentives over the summer. The tracking can all be done online or by using the Beanstack mobile app. There is also an option to track minutes using paper and sticker logs.

The Chickasha Public Library will have programs for everyone this summer. There will be in-person programs (registration required each week), stories on the radio, take and make activities and virtual program. The Summer Reading program will also include virtual and in-person performers. 

Please note that in-person events held at the library require registration, with multiple days to choose from each week. Details for each age group are linked below. If you have any questions, please call 405-222-6075.

Summer Reading Program age groups

New Readers Summer Reading for ages 3-5

Children Summer Reading for ages 6 – 9

Tween Summer Reading for ages 10 – 13

Meaningful Mental Meanderings

It has been a little over a year since the COVID-19 pandemic began to affect daily life in Chickasha and Grady County. 2020 saw many changes to everyday life as normal routines were upended and interrupted, and people everywhere began to face unprecedented medical, economic, and social challenges. Many people have also felt some of the intangible ways in which the pandemic has disrupted the established trajectory of their lives. These internal struggles can include the loss of a sense of time, a general feeling of ennui, brain fog, and the vague, unsettling feeling that you must be doing something productive yet feeling powerless to do so. 

While there are no easy solutions to uncertainties of this past year, books can help to ease some of the mental strain by providing accessible, self-directed learning and recreation, as well as a much-needed distraction from some of life’s more pressing worries. One book that addresses overcoming mental blocks is Tinker Dabble Doodle Try: Unlock the Power of the Unfocused Mind by Srinivasan S. Pillay (153.4 Pillay). The premise is that unfocusing your mind and letting it wander is key to unlocking its potential for both logical problem solving and creative thinking. Some of the ways in which to do that include self-talk, reverie, mind wandering, and “the all-important tool of daydreaming.”

The reason for this is that too much intense focus often leads to mental stress, which significantly narrows the range of ideas and is overly reliant on established neurological patterns. The kind of focus that produces scientific discoveries or writes engaging books is intense, but it is also very similar to Csikszentmihalyi’s “flow theory,” where the process of thinking or doing something is so enjoyable that it becomes its own reward.

One solution is to set aside time engaged in mental relaxation, which leads to both cognitive and emotional benefits. When there is no pressure to accomplish a specific task, the brain is free to form new connections and pathways that would otherwise not be possible. This is also very much aligned with the growth mindset, which asserts that the ability to think and learn is a skill that can be developed within everyone. 

There is a chapter dedicated to developing and cultivating creative thinking skills, which are often seen as an innate characteristic that happens with no explanation. However, as someone who spends a lot of time involved in creative pursuits, my experience is that creativity happens by developing new thoughts and ideas in unexpected places, making all the mistakes, and then problem-solving ways to correct all the mistakes, always being ready to learn new things, and having so much fun that I do not want to do anything else.

Neurological perceptions and thinking patterns are also highly individualized in many ways. Understanding your cognitive rhythm and interests can allow you to experience new intellectual horizons. The Chickasha Public Library provides many books that will enhance your cognitive abilities and focus in a variety of areas. This book, as well as many others in the NF 100s (philosophy and psychology) can open up new and fascinating worlds about the wonders of the life of the mind.  Tinker Dabble Doodle Try is a good way to learn how to quiet some of the brain chatter and create new paths of thinking, until one day (as this book beautifully puts it) “you will be fascinated by the jewels of your own intellect.”

Every Reader Their Book

In 1931 Shiyali Ramamrita Ranganathan proposed the five laws of library science. One of them is “Every reader their book”. I use this as a key when helping library patrons find the perfect book for themself. 

Each patron who comes into the library is looking for something different. Some are looking to learn more about gardening. Some want light entertainment. While still others are struggling to find a book that interests them at all. It is my job to help them find what they need and “Every reader their book” is my secret weapon.  

When a patron needs a book about plants I could simply point them to the 635.9 section and say “Go for it.” But even I, and my black thumbs, know that there is more nuance to plants than dirt and green things.( Although most of my plants eventually turn brown.) A book like Hip houseplants (635.965 Hamilton) would be a great resource for a customer who had taken to home horticulture in the last year, but it would be practically useless for a customer wanting to attract birds to their outside garden. That customer would need a Bird-friendly backyard: natural gardening for birds: simple ways to create a bird haven (639.978 Zickefoose.) 

Many people use reading as a form of escape and want a light hearted book to relax with-they would need a book that they could pick up at odd intervals and be able to hop back into the story with no trouble regardless of how long it had been since they had a chance to read that book. If I suggested the book American Gods by Neil Gaiman with its fluctuating cast of characters and timelines the customer may have to spend a few minutes reacquainting themselves with the characters and the situation. “Wait. How did Mr. Wednesday, Shadow, and Mr. Nancy get to this place? Oh yeah, they rode the carousel in the roadside attraction. Yeah, that’s right.”  

Customers of all ages also have different format needs when it comes to books as well meaning that their perfect book may actually be an electronic or audio version or, my favorite, the electronic audio version, of the print title. A person who finds the small print in The Broken Gun by Louis L’amour difficult to read may find the large print version a better fit and less tiring for their eyes.  

Many parents are worried about putting books into their babies hands for fear of them ripping pages. This is an understandable concern as I had to sheepishly present Clumsy Crab  to the front desk one day when my daughter ripped a page in half while trying to turn the page herself. After this I decided that I would check out board books for my daughter until her fine motor skills progressed a little more. Board books are small books with thick pages that are easy for tiny hands to turn. Many of the board books available at the library can help parents teach baby simple concepts like colors, shapes, and numbers.

The Chickasha Public library serves a diverse group of customers who each need a specific book to suit their needs. One of the most satisfying parts of my job is deploying my secret weapon to ensure that each reader finds the book that fulfils their need in that moment. Come on down to the library and let staff help you find the book that will help you become the reader you were meant to be.